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Sustainable Development Goals

As a members of the UN Global Compact since 2013, we take our collective responsibility seriously. We have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our company's strategy, culture, and everyday activities, to contribute directly to sustainable development. Explore more about our commitment.


Data-Security and Protection


Supply-Chain Standards

ESG Champions 2022 Ideas are the future

Allein die Hoffnung auf ein besseres Morgen wird die Welt nicht verändern. Bei A1 gibt es seit 2017 den internen Ideenwettbewerb Empowering Ideas, ein Intrapreneurship Programm, das heuer erstmals nachhaltige Projekte sucht, um die (A1) Welt eben doch etwas besser zu machen. Neugierig, welche Ideen unsere ESG Champions 2022 hatten?

How female is Advanced Analytics?

A life without Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impossible to imagine. Six women at A1 have decided to share their enthusiasm for this topic.


Women advising women

The motto for this year’s International Women's Day is „Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world“.